
Group of electromagnetic observations (GEO) news (Laboratory of Integrated Studies)

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In August 2024, the staff of the Group of electromagnetic observations (GEO) of the Laboratory of Integrated Studies (LIS) resumed experimental work on the study of seismic and acoustic response of the geo-environment to sensing by electric pulses of the ERGU-600 electric exploration generator set. On August 12, 2024, measurements were made at the Southern Dipole field observation point by a mobile receiving station organized on the UAZ basis.


The registration of geoacoustic signal was carried out using the DYMAS-24 mobile digital system with a Veloget-3D triaxial geophone at the outcrops of bedrock near the feeding dipole. To view and analyze the measurements, a special data preprocessing program of the DYMAS-24 "EveProc" geoacoustic signal registration system was used, developed by LIS employees. Together with this, geomagnetic observations were carried out with the registration of the full vector of the magnetic field T, for which the MV-07 magnetic variation modular station was used.

The observations carried out by the laboratory make it possible to obtain additional qualitative information that can be used in the analysis of spatial and temporal features of deformation processes occurring within the polygon and its surroundings, as well as in the interpretation of data using other geophysical methods.




Geographic location

40 km. from Bishkek