Group of Magnetotelluric soundings News

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From August 29 to September 4, 2023, Group of Magnetotelluric soundings (GMTS) carried out monitoring observations on the territory of the Bishkek Geodynamic Proving Ground. This observations have been carried out since 2012. The observations covered the “East”, “West” and “Center” profiles in the area of ​ Norus village. Using the Phoenix MTU-5 and MTU-5A measuring systems, the MTS group consisting of three teams carried out deep magnetotelluric sounding (DMS) work at three points, on the “East” profile at observation point E14, on the “West” profile at observation point W00 and on the “Center” profile at observation point C6, where the duration of registration of MT field in the GMT mode at each point was about 110 hours.

The start of work was preceded by calibration of recorders and sensors of MT stations. The testing of the measuring systems involved in these works for the identity of MT-field registration was carried out at point C6. To assess the level of interference and parameter settings for recording the work recording, a control recording lasting at least 40 minutes was preceded. The orientation of previous of the measuring installations completely repeated the previous deployments.

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