Seismological Observations

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Seismological observations are carried out at the network which consists of 10 broadband telemetric stations located in the area restrained by coordinates 40,5°-43,5° northern latitude and 72,0°-78,0° eastern longitude.

Проводимые исследования - 7 (сеть KNET)

The location of the KNET network stations


Each station consists of STS-2 seismological sensor, REFTEK digital station, solar power system and wireless modem. 

Проводимые исследования - 8 (Улахол)

The «Ulahol» Seismic station

Проводимые исследования - 9 (Восточный ретранслятор)]

Eastern repeater


The process of producing seismic observations is as follows. The seismic signal is received by STS-2 sensors with REF TEK72-6 recorders, which provide its registration in a large dynamic range (140 dB) and a wide frequency band (0.008-50 Hz). Then the information for each of the stations goes to repeaters by radio channel, and then the received packets are sent to the Central data collection machine installed at the CHM station (CHUMYSH) through the hub. Packets are written to a buffer organized as a circular queue.

Проводимые исследования - 10 (Схема сбора данных KNET)

The KNET network data collection scheme


Circular buffer provides continuous storage for a certain period of time. Dimension of circular buffer is set by user and depends only on computer resources. At the CHM station, the dimension of buffer is 1GB which is enough to store seismological information received from 10 stations over a time approximately equal to three days. Real-time processes make it possible to simultaneously import data to the buffer, export from the buffer, archive and process data.

The results of processing seismological observations are the earthquakes catalogs and maps of the distribution of seismic events in the controlled area (Bishkek Geodynamic Proving Ground).

Проводимые исследования - 11 (Сейсмичность по данным сети KNET)

The seismicity within Bishkek Geodynamic Proving Ground (1999-2019) according to the KNET network data


During the KNET network exploitation it was found that the network allows good recording of local earthquakes and industrial explosions, as well as remote strong earthquakes and nuclear explosions. Correlation of registered remote earthquakes results processing with world seismic network data shows their satisfying compatibility. 

Seismic network KNET is the sufficient universal instrument for seismic research, and earthquake's catalog, formed on the basis of KNET database, is used for analysis of seismic variations (including minor seismicity, with K=6-7) and their correlation with data obtained with the help of other geophysical and geodesic methods applied by RS RAS. The high quality of data processing is confirmed by the fact that since May 2003 the seismological bulletins generated by RS RAS participate in the compilation of ISC (International Seismological Center