GNTI designed main measurement equipment for geophysics stations and data communications equipment during the first years of RS RAS activity. In 1995 the measurement geophysics stations including metric radio waves transceivers designed by GNTI were used at 5 points. Group has been collaborated in the international projects since 1990.
On September of 1991 10 stations of the Kyrgyz Seismic Network (KNET) became operational. KNET was maintained by International Research Center – Geodynamic Proving Ground in Bishkek (IRC GPG) with the participation of Kyrgyz Institute of Seismology (KIS) and Scientific Station of the Institute for High Temperatures– Association, Russian Academy of Sciences (SS OIVT RAN – RS RAS later). The IRIS participants in this project represented San Diego State University, Indiana University, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, and Colorado State University.
KNET was established by the GNTI with USA colleges and has been maintained since 1991 till now. KNET with a normal data return rate better than 95 % and ability to record remote seismic events with magnitude >3.5, was one of the most active world producers of seismological data for conducting modern seismological research during the period of 1998-2008. The seismograms were transmitted in near real time. KNET operatively ensures delivery of the high-performance seismic data to the scientists, which perform seismological studies actually of all aspects, from monitoring domestic seismic activities and estimations of a seismic hazard up to detailed analyses of deep structure of Earth’s crust and mantle.
In July of 1998 the operation and maintenance were turned over to RS RAS. Since the Internet connection has been established, KNET has achieved over a 95% data return.
Prof. Steven Roecker from USA run two significant joint projects. The first one was “Tien-Shan Broadband Passive Array Experiment”. The Principal Investigators were Prof. S. Roecker from the Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute USA, State New York (RPI), Prof. G. Pavlis from the Indiana University, Prof. F. Vernon from San Diego State University. The network had 17 seismic stations based on PASCALL equipment. The term of Agreement lasted from 1997 to December of 2001.
The second project named “Discrete vs. Continuous Continental Deformation and the Role of Lower Crust in the Tien-Shan” was leaded by Principal Investigators Prof. S. Roecker and Prof J. Knapp from the University of South Carolina (USC), USA. The term of Agreement lasted from 2004 to July of 2008. Renseller Polytechnical Institute was responsible for installation and maintenance service and field operation of broadband seismological equipment placed on the territory of the Kyrgyz Republic. 30 seismic stations were located about straight line between Kazakhstan and China.
In a close collaboration with USC Principal Investigator RS RAS provides local organizing actions to prepare field campaign. RS RAS takes part in all field designs and surveys. GNTI was the main executive and take an active part in all the operations from beginning to finish of these two projects.
In 1992 RS RAS started space geodesy researches by means of GPS system. The GPS permanent station network maintained by RS RAS was consequently increased up to 10 sites. GNTI is responsible for all GPS permanent sites activity. Two stations of 10 are included in the International Global Positioning System Service for Geodynamics (IGS).
One international project is in force now. It is “Memorandum about scientific and technical collaboration between International research center – Geodynamic Proving Ground in Bishkek (IRC-GP), Federal State Budgetary Institution of Science - Research Station of the Russian Academy of Sciences in Bishkek city (RS RAS) and the Montana State University within the framework of international project ”The Study of Movement of the Earth Crust Surface on the Territory of Central Tien Shan and Kazakh Platform”
(“Geodynamics of the Tien-Shan”)”. Term of Agreement is from January 2016 to December 2025. GNTI has to provide the maintenance of permanent GPS stations in the Central Asia region; to provide permanent GPS stations data transmission to the USA data bases.