GNTI actively participates in the next projects:
- International Research Center - Geodynamic Proving Ground in Bishkek (IRC-GPG) explored the Kyrgyz seismic network (KNET) from 1991 to 2011. Agreements were signed by IRIS Consortium (Incorporated Research Institution for Seismology).
- “Tien-Shan Broadband Passive Array Experiment” has been performed in the period 1997-2001. Network consists of 17 off-line seismic stations based on RefTek 72A-08 data acquisition system, STS-2 and Guralp CMG-3ESP sensors. Stations were disposed on 400*350 square kilometers.
- “Discrete vs. Continuous Continental Deformation and the Role of the Lower Crust in the Tien-Shan”. The Principal Investigators were Prof. S. Roecker and Prof J. Knapp from the University of South Carolina (USC), USA. The term of Agreement was 2004 – July 2008. 25 meters depth double holes were prepared on the straight line from China border to Song-Kul Lake in 2007 year. The holes disposition step was 1 kilometer. The single-axis 125A-01 sensors disposition step was 100 meters. The holes were used for consecutive order explosions. Earth structure features were defined at the depth of ten kilometers.
- “Memorandum about scientific and technical collaboration between the International Research Center - Geodynamic Proving Ground in Bishkek (IRC-GPG), Research station of the Russian Academy of Sciences in Bishkek (RS RAS) and Massachusetts Institute of technology (MIT) within the framework of International project ”The study of movement of the Earth’s crust surface on the territory of Central Tien Shan and Kazakh platform” (“Geodynamics of the Tien Shan”). Term of agreement was: January 2006 – December 2015.
- “GPS kinematic researches of Indo-Eurasian convergence zone at Pamir and adjacent territories” Agreement collaboration between the Research station of the Russian academy of sciences in Bishkek (RS RAS), Institute for antiseismic construction and seismology of Tajikistan Academy of sciences and Montana State University. Rebecca Bendick, Department of Geosciences, University of Montana, was the initiator of the project. GPS station was installed on August 2007.
- "GPS Observations in Central Asia: IGS Infrastructure and Characterization of Earthquake Hazard, Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan." Project was initiated by CRDF (Civilian Research and Development Foundation for Independent States of the Former Soviet Union) during 2008-2010. Project was prolonged by Subaward Agreement “Activities of GPS network in Kyrgyzstan, maintained by Research Station of Russian Academy of Science in Bishkek (RS RAS)” and Massachusetts Institute of Technology (grant 5710002361) to January 2011.
- Activities under the “Memorandum about scientific and technical collaboration between International Research Center – Geodynamic Proving Ground in Bishkek (IRC-GPG), Federal State Budgetary Institution of Science - Research Station of the Russian Academy of Sciences in Bishkek city (RS RAS) and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology within the framework of International project ”The study of Movement of the Earth Crust Surface on the Territory of Central Tien-Shan and Kazakh platform” (“Geodynamics of the Tien Shan”). Term of Agreement was January 2006 – December 2015.
- Seven projects “Seismological Research of Earthquake Hazard on Kyrgyzstan Territory” were performed by RS RAS and Institute of Seismology of Kyrgyzs National Academy of Sciences from 2014 to 2019. RefTek 130-01/3 data acquisition system and STS-2 sensors were used for researches. The points were disposed on Naryn and Osh regions before industrial building.
- Activities according to “Memorandum about scientific and technical collaboration between International Research Center – Geodynamic Proving Ground in Bishkek (IRC-GPG), Federal State Budgetary Institution of Science - Research Station of the Russian Academy of Sciences in Bishkek city (RS RAS) and the Montana State University within the framework of International project ”The Study of Movement of the Earth Crust Surface on the Territory of Central Tien-Shan and Kazakh platform” (“Geodynamics of the Tien Shan”). Term of Agreement is January 2016 – December 2025. RS RAS have to provide permanent GPS stations data transmission to USA data bases. The collaborators from USA is responsible for upgrade stations equipment.