Dear colleagues!
Within the framework of Laboratory of Geophysics activity (Additional Agreement from 30.09.2020 to the Agreement of scientific and technical cooperation between RS RAS and KNU from 23.03.2018) Research Station of RAS holds the lecture course for students and lectures of Faculty of Physics and Electronics of the Kyrgyz National University named after Djusup Balasagyn.
Laboratory of Geophysic (Lecture course)
LECTURE №1 (December 1, 2020, 08:00)
Subject: Review of geophysical research at Research Station of RAS in Bishkek city: magnetotelluric soundings of Tian Shan
Speaker: Doctor of Physics and Mathematics Anatoly Rybin - Director of RS RAS, Chief Researcher of Laboratory of Deep Magnetotelluric Studies (LDMS) of RS RAS
LECTURE №2 (December 4, 2020, 11:05)
Subject: Review of geophysical research at Research Station of RAS in Bishkek city: magnetotelluric soundings of Tian Shan (continuation)
Speaker: Doctor of Physics and Mathematics Anatoly Rybin - Director of RS RAS, Chief Researcher of Laboratory of Deep Magnetotelluric Studies (LDMS) of RS RAS
LECTURE №3 (December 8, 2020, 08:00)
Subject: Induced seismicity as a manifestation of the influence of natural and technogenic factors on the destruction of the Earth’s crust
Speaker: Candidate of Physics and Mathematics Vladimir Sychev, Leading Researcher, Acting Head of Laboratory of Energy-Saturated Media Simulation (LESMS) of RS RAS
LECTURE №4 (December 11, 2020, 11:05)
Subject: Modeling electromagnetic and vibration effects on the earth's crust in experiments on rheological presses
Speaker: Candidate of Physics and Mathematics Vladimir Sychev, Leading Researcher, Acting Head of Laboratory of Energy-Saturated Media Simulation (LESMS) of RS RAS
LECTURE №5 (February 2, 2021, 11:00)
Subject: Studying Modern Movements of the Earth’s Crust by Space Geodesy
Speaker: Candidate of Physics and Mathematics Sergei Kuzikov - Leading Researcher, Acting Head of Laboratory of Studying Modern Movements of the Earth’s Crust by Space Geodesy (LGPS) of RS RAS
LECTURE №6 (February 5, 2021, 11:00)
Subject: Geodezic and geophysical research in the territory of Bishkek Geodynamic Proving Ground
Speaker: Candidate of Physics and Mathematics Sergei Kuzikov - Leading Researcher, Acting Head of Laboratory of Studying Modern Movements of the Earth’s Crust by Space Geodesy (LGPS) of RS RAS
LECTURE №7 (February 16, 2021, 11:00)
Subject: Review of geophysical researches at Research Station of the Russian Academy of Sciences in Bishkek: geomagnetic and seismological observations at Bishkek Geodynamic Proving Ground
Speaker: Candidate of Physics and Mathematics Sanzhar Imashev – Senior Researcher, Acting Head of Laboratory of Complex Research of Geodynamic Processes in Geopbysical Fields (LIS) of RS RAS
LECTURE №8 (February 19, 2021, 11:00)
Subject: Review of geophysical researches at Research Station of the Russian Academy of Sciences in Bishkek: Electromagnetic observations at Bishkek Geodynamic Proving Ground. Study of preseismic temperature anomalies of atmosphere based on satellite data
Speaker: Candidate of Physics and Mathematics Sanzhar Imashev – Senior Researcher, Acting Head of Laboratory of Complex Research of Geodynamic Processes in Geopbysical Fields (LIS) of RS RAS
LECTURE №10 (March 2, 202, 11:00)
Subject: Development of modern systems of geomagnetic and electromagnetic monitoring
Speaker: Vladimir Bobrovsky, Researcher, Acting Head of Laboratory of Advanced Hardware Development (LAHD) of RS RAS
LECTURE №9 (February 26, 2021, 11:00)
Subject: Development of modern equipment for geophysical research: Basic concepts. Tools. Retrospective of LPAR hardware developments
Speaker: Vladimir Bobrovsky, Researcher, Acting Head of Laboratory of Advanced Hardware Development (LAHD) of RS RAS