We welcome you to the official site of the Research Station of the Russian Academy of Sciences in Bishkek city.
Federal State Budget Institution of Science Research Station of the Russian Academy of Sciences in Bishkek city is the research organization subordinated to the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russia Federation.
The Research Station of RAS engages 57 scientific workers, including 26 researchers, 2 Doctors of Sciences and 8 Candidates of Sciences among them. The overall staff amounts 133 employees.
720049, Kyrgyzstan.
Bishkek-49, Research Station RAS.
Phone: +996 (312) 613-140
Fax: +996 (312) 611-459
Doctor of Science
in Physics and Mathematics
e-mail: rybin@gdirc.ru
Traditionally, February 8 is celebrated as the Day of Russian Science - a holiday dedicated to the date of the Russian Academy of Sciences foundation, established by Peter the First in 1724.
On the eve of such important date for the entire Russian scientific community, as well as on the eve of the anniversary year of the Russian Academy of Sciences, the Research Station of the Russian Academy of Sciences sums up the results of 2022.
According to the results of R&D 2022, two most important results were obtained:
1. A new measuring "strategy" in the method of electrotomography was proposed and its performance was evaluated using a model experiment (synthetic data);
2. Identified pre-seismic correlated anomalies of spatial and temporal temperature changes in the lower atmosphere and the total electron content of the ionosphere.
Of course, the list of results obtained by the RS RAS staff in 2022 is not limited to the above two, and a more extended idea of RS RAS findings can be obtained from the scientific papers published this year in highly ranked Russian and foreign journals and in the proceedings of international conferences.
Also in 2022, the joint scientific workshop of Institute of Physics of Earth of RAS and RS RAS "Geological and Geophysical Monitoring of Tien Shan Lithosphere" continued its work. 23 online meetings were held at the workshop in 2022 to discuss new results, methods and problems of geological and geophysical monitoring of modern geodynamic processes, study of physical and chemical properties of rocks, the stress-strain state of the Earth's crust in seismically active regions and other topical issues in the field of Earth sciences and related fields of theoretical and experimental physics.
Last Updated on Wednesday, 22 February 2023 13:55
The full list of publications can be find here:
Results of publication activity of RS RAS researchers for 2022 .pdf
Last Updated on Friday, 20 January 2023 11:34
From 26 to 28 of April 2023, on the basis of Research Station of the Russian Academy of Sciences in Bishkek city (RS RAS) the XV International Youth Conference “MODERN TECNIQUE AND TECHNOLOGIES IN SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH” will take place. Detailed information on this event will be taken on website http://mmk.gdirc.kg/.
Section "Integrated geological and geophysical studies of seismically active regions" includes reports on methods and new software systems used to monitor the geoenvironment and ionosphere, and on the results of their application, as well as reports on various kinds of geoinformation systems.
Section "Natural and technogenic hazards" includes reports on the prevalence and features of manifestations of seismotectonic processes, landslides and mudflows in Central Asia. The same section also presents reports on man-made hazards associated with the operation of reservoirs and mining in seismically hazardous areas
Section "Interdisciplinary reports" is divided into two subsections:
"Mechanics" - includes reports on solving complex and dynamic problems in various areas of modern mechanics
- raising the level of scientific research and expanding the scientific horizons of young scientists, specialists, graduate students, undergraduates and students;
- integration of science and education;
- development of creative activity of young researchers;
- popularization of scientific research conducted at the Research Station of the Russian Academy of Sciences.
PUBLICATION OF THE BOOK OF MATERIALS is expected in autumn 2023. The collection of materials of the Conference is registered with the Book Chamber of the Kyrgyz Republic, and is also indexed in the information and analytical system of the RSCI (https://elibrary.ru/).
Requirements for the design of materials
Feedback from the Scientific Advisor
!!! Students, graduate students and young scientists under the age of 39 are invited to participate in the Conference.
!!! Participation in the Conference is free.
All the best,
Olga Borisovna Zabinyakova
This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it
+996 (312) 61-31-40
Last Updated on Friday, 23 December 2022 14:07
On November 16, 2022, the Director of the Research Station of RAS, Anatoly Rybin and Academic Secretary Olga Zabinyakova, visited the Kyrgyz National University named after Zh. Balasagyn (KNU). The purpose of the visit was to get acquainted with the corresponding member of the National Academy of Sciences of the Kyrgyz Republic, Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor Tolobek Abdyrakhmanov, who recently assumed the post of Rector of the University. The Russian side was also represented at the meeting by Albert Zulkharneev, Head of the Rossotrudnichestvo Representative Office in the Kyrgyz Republic.
The heads of the organizations discussed plans to strengthen existing and develop new areas of scientific, technical and educational cooperation. Also during the meeting, the Head of the Department of International Cooperation of KNU Baktybek Keldibekov reminded the audience about the collaboration of RS RAS and the University on scientific and educational work with students of the Faculty of Physics and Electronics of KNU.
Last Updated on Friday, 23 December 2022 14:03
Scientific researcher of the Laboratory of Deep Magnetotelluric Investigations of the RS RAS Nepeina Ksenia was invited to participate in the Congress of Young Scientists in the federal territory "Sirius". Invitations were received – exclusively as a result of selection by the Coordinating Committee. The Second Congress of Young Scientists was held in the Park of Science and Art in Sochi from December 1 to 3, 2022 as part of the Decade of Science and Technology.
Last Updated on Thursday, 15 December 2022 15:22
On November 10, 2022, Russian House in Bishkek hosted a ROUND TABLE meeting "Earth Sciences. The problem of studying dangerous natural processes in the Tien Shan lithosphere: current state and prospects". The event is timed to the World Science Day (November 10) and was held on the eve of the 300th anniversary of the Russian Academy of Sciences.
The round table was organized by the Research Station of the Russian Academy of Sciences in Bishkek city with the support of the Russian Federation Embassy in the Kyrgyz Republic and the Representative Office of Rossotrudnichestvo in the Kyrgyz Republic.
Leading scientists of the following scientific organizations took part in the Round Table Институт геологии им. М. М. Адышева НАН КР (ИГ НАН КР), Институт сейсмологии НАН КР (ИС НАН КР), Институт геомеханики и освоения недр НАН КР (ИГиОН НАН КР), Центрально-Азиатский институт прикладных исследований Земли (ЦАИИЗ), Научная станции РАН в г. Бишкеке (ФГБУН НС РАН).
The participants of the Round Table discussed the current state of various aspects of the study of hazardous natural processes of the Tien Shan lithosphere and possible ways to improve their monitoring.
Last Updated on Wednesday, 16 November 2022 13:04
Last Updated on Wednesday, 09 November 2022 08:16
Dear Colleagues!
On April 27-29, 2022, the XIV International Conference of Young Scientists and Students "MODERN TECHNIQES AND TECHNOLOGIES IN SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH" took place at the Research Station of the Russian Academy of Sciences in Bishkek (Kyrgyz Republic).
The Proceedings of the Conference are registered by the Book Chamber of the Kyrgyz Republic (ISBN 978-9967-12-939-9).
The electronic version of the collection is available for downloading at the link:
Currently, the Proceedings are in the process of placement in the information-analytical system RSCI (https://elibrary.ru/). We will inform you of the results by additional letter.
All the best!
Olga Borisovna Zabinyakova
Academic Secretary of the Research Station of RAS
This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it
+996 (312) 61-31-40
Last Updated on Friday, 21 October 2022 13:40
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