

720049, Kyrgyzstan.

Bishkek-49, Research Station RAS.

Phone: +996 (312) 613-140

Fax: +996 (312) 611-459


Рыбин Анатолий Кузьмич

Anatoly Kuzmich Rybin

Doctor of Science

in Physics and Mathematics

e-mail: rybin@gdirc.ru

Field work of the Magnetotelluric Research Group (DMTS)

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In the period from July 13 to July 24 2021 the MTS group consisted of 4 teams carried out detailed works on the profile "Boom", located near the Zholbulak village of, Kemin raion. Three teams conducted magnetotelluric sounding (MTS) on 16 points of the profile, where the duration of registration of MT field in MTS mode at each observation point was 16-20 hours and on one observation point in DMTS mode, duration of observations was 180 hours. The work was carried out by means of Phoenix MTU-5 and MTU-5A measuring complexes in the standard registration mode. The beginning of work was preceded by calibrations of recorders and sensors of MT stations. At all observation points, a control recording of at least 40 minutes was preceded by a check recording to assess the level of interference and adjust the parameters of the working recording. The electric components of MT field were measured using measuring units with electric dipoles 50 m long. The magnetic field components were measured using MTS-50 induction sensors. At all sounding points, grounding of dipoles was performed using non-polarizing electrodes, at 9 observation points including the DMTS point, grounding of dipoles was performed according to the "sensor to sensor" principle with the previous observations conducted in 2020. The orientations of measuring units at these points completely repeated the previous deployments. Installation of eight new MTS points was carried out between the observation points previously worked out in 2020, ensuring an equal distance to neighboring points, taking into account the terrain relief.

Boom 4 Монтажная область 1

Team №4 carried out work on the Boom profile using electrotomography and induced polarization methods using the Skala 48 multielectrode station. Registration of data on the profile was performed by two types of unit: "Schlumberger" and "Wenner". Operation of the station was performed using two multielectrode cables, the length of each connecting cable is 120 meters, installation of electrodes was carried out with a step of 5 meters, the total number of electrodes when deploying two connecting cables is 48 pieces. The length of the work area was 3555 meters, registration was carried out in 29 basic observation points. Upon completion of the main works on the profile, in the area of points FT9 (DMTS) - FT8 (MTS), a trial 24-hour monitoring was carried out in number of 36 registrations, duration of each 42-44 minutes by electrotomography and induced polarization methods, Schlumberger installation type.

Last Updated on Tuesday, 14 September 2021 10:34


Symposium (publication in IOP)

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Dear participant of the Symposium!

Earlier, the Organizing Committee of the VIII International Symposium "PROBLEMS OF GEODYNAMICS AND GEOECOLOGY OF INTRACONTINENTAL OROGENES" (June 28 - July 2, 2021, RAS Scientific Station, Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan) invited you to publish your paper presented at the Symposium in a foreign publication site «IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science».

Please note that due to technical reasons the bank details of the Research Station have changed. Please use the updated details when filling out the contract (the template of the contract with an individual with corrected bank data is attached to the letter - only clause 8 of the contract has been changed).

Please note that to publish your paper in the IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, you need to send the following package of documents to the Organizing Committee:

      Allowed volume of article is 5-8 pages, including figures and tables.

  • A scanned copy of your organization's expert opinion on the possibility of publishing article materials in the open press in the IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science according to the form accepted in your organization.
  • A scanned copy of the contract (either signed by the responsible author of the article(s), if you will personally pay for publication services, or by the director of your organization, if payment through an organization is expected - contract templates are attached).

Documents should be sent to This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it by September 15, 2021.

More information about the conditions and terms of publication is in the attached files.

All the best!

Olga Zabinyakova
Academic Secretary of the Research Station of the Russian Academy of Sciences in Bishkek
+996 (312) 61-31-40

Last Updated on Friday, 10 September 2021 10:09


The article of the research team was published in the international scientific publication of the first quartile

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A scientific article in English "NOCFASS: Quantitative description of the seismic noise-like signals in the earthquake-prone areas" by the team of authors was published in the journal in the top-rated scientific journal of the first quartile Measurement: Journal of the International Measurement Confederation published by Elsevier.

The article was prepared by authors from various organizations: Nigmatullin R.R. (Kazan National Research Technical University named by A.N. Tupolev-KAI), Rybin A.K. (Research Station of the Russian Academy of Sciences in Bishkek), Nepeina K.S. (Research Station of the Russian Academy of Sciences in Bishkek) and P.A. Kaznacheev (Schmidt Institute of Physics of the Earth).

More information can be found here: The article of the research team was published in the international scientific publication of the first quartile.docx

Absolutely everyone can download the article (until October 12, 2021) by following the link: https://authors.elsevier.com/a/1ddPexsQaEgL5

Last Updated on Thursday, 02 September 2021 13:15


RS RAS, Bishkek - Symposium (publication in IOP)

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Dear participants of the Symposium!

The Organizing Committee of the VIII International Symposium "PROBLEMS OF GEODYNAMICS AND GEOECOLOGY OF INTRACONTINENTAL OROGENES" (June 28 - July 2, 2021, RAS Scientific Station, Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan) invites you to publish your paper presented at the Symposium in a foreign publication site


In case of your consent you need to send to the Organizing Committee the following package of documents:

Documents should be sent to This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it   by September 15, 2021More detailed information about the conditions and terms of publication is reflected in the attached agreement.

Good luck!

Olga Borisovna Zabinyakova

Academic Secretary of Research Station of the Russian Academy of Sciences in Bishkek This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it

+996 (312) 61-31-40

Treaty of the RAS with authors of articles in IOP-fin.doc

Last Updated on Wednesday, 11 August 2021 10:38


VIII Symposium Presentations & Video

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Dear colleagues!

VIII International Symposium «PROBLEMS OF GEODYNAMICS AND GEOECOLOGY OF INTRACONTINENTAL OROGENS» was held from 28 June to 2 July 2021 within the framework of a Year of Science and Technologies in Russia on the basis of Research Station of RAS (Bishkek city, Kyrgyz Republic).

The Organizing Committee thanks all participants of Symposium!


The Book of Abstracts of the Symposium and presentations of participants is available at the link:



Video of online sessions:

Opening. Plenary session – 28 June 2021 : https://youtu.be/jUc8ztGnGJg

Section 1 (part 1) – 29 June 2021 : https://youtu.be/5Aa-WHlpaR0

Section 1 (part 2) – 2 July 2021 : https://youtu.be/xGAqjoQR1C4

Section 2 – 29 June 2021 : https://youtu.be/pfKeD4YQkEk

Section 3+6 – 30 June 2021 : https://youtu.be/gX38ecW_cjE

Section 4 – 1 July 2021 : https://youtu.be/k2AoM2S9nwM

Section 5 – 1 July 2021 : https://youtu.be/gkkgegXiRok

The Organizing Committee wishes all colleagues success and a positive mood!


Best regards,

Olga Zabinyakova

Academic Secretary of RS RAS
This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it

+996 (312) 61-31-40

Last Updated on Thursday, 29 July 2021 10:53


VIII International Symposium

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Dear colleagues!

VIII International Symposium «PROBLEMS OF GEODYNAMICS AND GEOECOLOGY OF INTRACONTINENTAL OROGENS» was held from 28 June to 2 July 2021 within the framework of a Year of Science and Technologies in Russia on the basis of Research Station of RAS (Bishkek city, Kyrgyz Republic).

The Organizing Committee thanks all participants of Symposium!

The contact email address is This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it .

The Book of Abstracts of the Symposium is available for everyone:
Проблемы геодинамики и геоэкологии внутриконтинентальных орогенов: Тез. докл. VIII Междунар. симпозиума, г. Бишкек, 28 июня – 2 июля 2021 г. - Бишкек: НС РАН, 2021. – 347 с. ISBN 978-9967-12-656-5

Please note that the Book of Abstracts is registered in the Book Chamber of the Kyrgyz Republic and will be indexed article by article in the RSCI in the fall of 2021. You can download the collection at the link:

As it was mentioned earlier, selected papers from the Symposium will be recommended for publication in a foreign edition. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science. Personalized invitations, as well as all accompanying information, will be sent to the participants in the near future. Submission of material in the IOP Conference Series implies that you agree to the Publisher's License

(https://publishingsupport.iopscience.iop.org/questions/iop-proceedings-licence/) and familiarized with the rules of registration of materials


Best regards,
Olga Zabinyakovа
+996 (312) 61-31-40

Last Updated on Monday, 12 July 2021 15:15


News of Group of New Technologies Introduction

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RS RAS and IS NAS KR scientific collaboration 

    The cooperation between the RS RAS and the Institute of Seismology of the National Academy of Sciences of the Kyrgyz Republic (IS NAS KR) continues in the field of seismological research.

    The employees of the Institute of Seismology carried out field seismological research in the Issyk-Kul region in accordance with two agreements from January 8th to May 21t, 2021. The Group of New Technologies Introduction has prepared and delivered three sets of RT130-01 seismic stations with STS-2 seismic sensors. The software and methodological documents for conducting research were also handed over. RT130-01 stations and STS-2 seismic sensors were purchased with financial assistance of CRDF (U.S. Civilian Research and Development Foundation) - American Civilian Research and Development Foundation.

    Field works involves the installation of RT130-01 type seismic stations, complete with wide-range STS-2 seismic sensors in the studied area and continuous recording for a certain time of microseisms and vibrations from remote earthquakes and industrial explosions. The duration of observations depends on the level of seismic activity at the territory and is set in such a way as to register at least 10 seismic events with good recording quality. One recording point was taken as a reference. The rest of the items are mobile.

    Problems arose during the data processing. The level of seismic interference is significantly higher than the level of microseisms during the station installation and the terminal usage, with the help of which the equipment is controlled and monitored. Microseisms are indistinguishable in comparison with these background disturbances. It is necessary to remove noisy beginning and the end in the data record and areas with the operator presence near the sensor for high-quality data processing.

    The staffs of GNTI RS RAS also provide IS NAS KR with methodological assistance, operator training and consultations during field work, provision of seismic data processing programs.

    The maintenance of the network of GPS stations continues. You can see below the workplace at the Osh’s station in the picture:


    After 7 years of cooperation, our curator Sarah Doelger moved to another UNAVCO division. Jacob Sclar will temporarily perform her duties.

June 11, 2021

Last Updated on Wednesday, 16 June 2021 09:57


XIII International Conference of Young Scientists and Students “Modern Technique and Technologies in Scientific Research”

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    From 28 to 30 April 2021, the XIII International Conference of Young Scientists and Students "MODERN TECHNIQUE AND TECHNOLOGIES IN SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH" was held at the Research Station of RAS in Bishkek city (RS RAS) (online). The opening of the Conference took place on April 28 and was marked by a report of RS RAS Director, Dr Anatoly Rybin. His report was dedicated to the history of the Research Station and memories of its founder and first director - Yuri Trapeznikov.



    During three working days of the Conference students and young scientists from Kyrgyzstan, Khazakstan, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, Russia and Ukraine presented about 50 reports on three thematic directions.


Last Updated on Wednesday, 26 May 2021 11:53



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Geographic location

40 km. from Bishkek